"I can't thank you enough for turning our dog into our favorite hiking companion. Now we can go anywhere off-leash, without fear, and with pride." Ryan, Beaver UT

Goodbye Chaos, Hello Calm

Hi, my name is Jared, welcome to Noble Dogs. I am passionate about providing my dog owners a pathway to a rich, loving relationship with their pets. I specialize in teaching dog obedience and behavior modification that will help to address any issues your dog may be having. I take pride in my dog training methods and have spent over 20 years of positive dog training development to help all breeds, ages, and dogs with serious behavioral issues, make the most out of their relationship with their dogs. No more aggression, biting, jumping on others, eating off the table, peeing and pooping in the house, destructive behavior, and all-round bad behavior. Goodbye Chaos, Hello Calm.

Dog Training starts the moment you receive your puppy. It's important to establish good habits early on to create a happy, well-behaved dog, where a trust-built relationship is core.

Training Programs

My dog training programs are an effective and efficient way to build, inspire, and maintain good behavior. Pick the training that's right for you.

"We are so thankful for Jared, he has turned Maggie into the dog we always hoped for, and could never achieve. We have our lives back!"Jeff & GSP Meggie

Video Testimonial

Your dog will learn to

  • Not jump on people
  • Quiet down on command
  • Wait at the door
  • Eliminate rough play
  • Housebreaking / Crate Training
  • Eliminate on command
  • Load in and out of a vehicle
  • Riding in a vehicle (without pacing or jumping into the front seat)
  • Dealing with inappropriate or submissive behaviors 
  • Sit (maintain sit/stay)
  • Down (maintain down stay)
  • Go to a place (bed, rug, mat, or spot and stay)
  • Walk with you on and OFF the leash
  • Recall (Come) to you off leash when called

Success in dog training requires a careful balance of approach, method, skill, and patience.

At Noble Dogs, I take pride in my ability to provide effective and compassionate instruction to dogs of all breeds and ages. Whether you need help with obedience training, behavioral issues, or anything in between, I am here to help get the very best out of you and your dog.